Thursday, March 21, 2013

After The Storm

It's been a week since SB got released from the hospital. He really didn't have a choice but to go with Nicki. She wouldn't let him go anywhere else. He wouldn't speak when she talked to him, he wouldn't eat and he wouldn't sleep. Nicki didn't know what else to do. He didn't let her touch him because he was scared to have contact with anyone or thing. She begin to miss his touch so one day while he was asleep in the guest room she crawled into bed with him. She snuggled into his arms and fell asleep. When he woke up he felt her smooth skin against his. He felt safe because she felt familiar. He felt like hisself just from touching her. He felt his love for her again. He was no longer lost. He climbed out of bed and cooked breakfast. When it was done he went into the room and jumped on the bed. Nickis eyes opened real quick and she starred at him smiling real big at her. "Goodmorning, you slept to long, I started missing you! I made breakfast.." Nicki cut him off with a kiss. "Faree slow down!" She smiled "I'm glad to have you back, I'll never give up on you.....on us"
*2 weeks later*
Neither SB nor Nicki brought up anything about their fight that day. They never even showed any interest in eachother. They were just bestfriends nothing more and nothing less. Yeah they kissed from time to time but it didn't mean much. They loved eachother but they never brought up being together.
(Nickis POV)
Ever since the accident I've been scared to touch him. I'm just glad the bullets are out and his surgery went fine. He's my bestfriend and I love him. She smiled thinking about it. She looked over and SB was on his phone texting away. She never bought it up but she secretly had someone. I didn't want to tell SB because we never talked about seeing other people, but we never really talked about seeing eachother either. Ugh this is confusing. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.
(No POV)
Nicki picked up her phone and texted someone. When her phone vibrated SB looked up and noticed the big smile on her face as she read the text. This made him mad, it's been him and Nicki for a while now with nobody else, he liked having her to hisself. That's selfish but he didn't care. Sb figured she had someone she liked, he knew she wouldn't wait for him forever. He just wanted to be sure, so he waited for Nicki to get up so he could look and see who she was texting. He read through some of the messages, 'Who the fuck is Drake' he whispered to hisself before sitting the phone down and walking back to the couch before Nicki came back into the room.
Can I really be mad? I mean she ain't my girl. She can do what she wants. Fuck it. I ain't gonna stress her. I got people who would wanna be with me. But damn she couldn't even tell me? Fuck that, bestfriends my ass.
(No POV)
SB had a bad temper and Nicki knew that when he was mad to stay away. But this time she didn't care. "Safaree what's wrong?" He didn't answer he just got up and walked past her. "Don't wait up cause I'm not coming back" and with that he slammed the door. "Fuck wrong with this nigga?" Nicki said to herself grabbing her phone and heading up to her room. It was a Friday night and since Nicki was obviously busy texting this Drake guy he could go have some fun too. He stopped at a red light and got a text from Nicki. 'Please be safe Faree, see you later' he rolled his eyes and pulled off.
About 30 minutes later he pulled up to the best strip club in Queens called Vixen. He had a couple drinks but still couldn't stop thinking of how hurt he was. He wanted to find Drake and kill him but if Nicki was happy he would leave her alone. He was deep into his thoughts when a girl a little younger than him walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She thought SB was cute so she decided to talk to him. "Hi, my name is Justina. What's yours?"
SB finished his drink then looked her over again. "My name is SB" he said with a smile.

1 comment:

  1. If the girl was a lil younger than him that would make her 16 or 17 and she wouldn't be in a strip club nor would either of them be ordering drinks....
