Saturday, April 13, 2013

Two paths Recrossed (Part 1)

"WAKEEEE UPPPPPPP" Nicki screamed jumping on the bed.
"Babbbyyyyyyy wakeeee uppppp" Nicki said plopping on the bed. She got up to walk out the room when she heard him move on the bed to sit up. Nicki screeched running to jump on him.
*meanwhile at an apartment in Florida*
He woke up tired as usual then he got a phone call. He was indecisive but ended up picking up after the 6th ring.
"Yes mom?"
"Are you still sitting around!?! Get up and go out!"
"No leave me alone" he said hanging up the phone going to lay back down.
He hated how she's been acting these last few months. He was fine and was tired of telling her that. Deep inside he knew he was still hurting but he didn't know why. It's been months and he was done crying over her. It was time to move on! It would take a while but he was determined. Today was December 7th and he was going home. He didn't call his mother, he decided to surprise her. He cleaned himself up and started to clean up his hotel. He bought a car so he didn't have to worry about booking a flight.
*back in queens*
"Wanna go shopping?" She asked after they ate breakfast.
"No you always wanna shop Nicki, why can't we just chill?"
(Nickis POV)
Whatever. He never wants to do ANYTHING. Fuck it. I'll just go with Sierra. But damn its been a minute since I've talked to her. She'll think I'm using her and won't want to go.fuck it ill ask anyway.
'Shopping today?'
(No POV)
Nicki was surprised that she answered so quickly.
'Sure my house at 12!'
Nicki went upstairs and started to get ready. Then she began to think about how long it's been since she seen Sierra. Sierra had a baby, Nicki never judged she loved Aubrey, he was just the cutest. Only thing she didn't like was that she never met his dad. They met at a club and that's all Nicki knew about him. Oh and his first name. Aubrey.
About 30 minutes later she finally got dressed and was on her way out the door. When she got to Sierras it was in perfect shape everything looked amazing. Sierra had a big picture of her with Nicki and SB from high school. This caught Nicki's attention but she just kept walking into the house. She picked up Aubrey, he looked so much like somebody she knew but she couldn't put it all together.
*meanwhile in Florida*
It was 12 and he still wasn't sure if he wanted to go home. It was a long drive but he decided he would go. He couldn't stop thinking. He decided to blast some music for the ride. He only stopped for gas, not even food. He wanted to see his mother and to feel like everything was normal again. He stopped for gas and seen someone he didn't expect to see.
(Meanwhile in Queens Center Mall)
"Get this! You should really get this!" Nicki looked at the outfit Sierra was holding and made a face causing them both to laugh. Ever since Nicki saw that picture she wasn't feeling the same. She didn't know what was wrong with her but something was wrong.
*meanwhile at Nickis house*
He was laying in bed and his phone kept going off. He didn't know living a double life would be this complicated. When Nicki left she didn't say where she was going he didn't really mind he was just happy to get some sleep.
(Back to Queens Center Mall)
"Is his father in his life?" Nicki asked before taking a bite of her chicken. They were sitting at a table in the back if the food court. Sierra was proud to say she was still in a relationship with her babies father. Her and Nicki laughed and talked some more as Sierra texted someone.
' Pick me and the baby up, I'm ready to go home babe '
' okay see you soon '
(On the road)
He was making it home in record time. No speed limits mattered to him. Honestly nothing did anymore. He was tired but didn't want to pull over. He wasn't ready to stop. After two hours it was now 5 and he had to stop.
(Queens Center Mall)
Nicki and Sierra sat waiting for 2 hours just talking and laughing. They both talked about their relationships. Nicki was glad they had this day out, Sierra was one of her best friends! She missed her. As Nicki was talking she saw her friends face light up and baby Aubrey yelling 'daddy'. Nicki smiled at how happy they both got.
"Hey lil man" he said and Nickis smile quickly faded...... To Be Continued

1 comment:

  1. I think it's drake but then againg I have a feeling is safaree ! Ohh lawd don't let it be safaree ! I can't deal
